Breast Implant Replacement

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While a breast augmentation can produce beautiful, long-lasting results, your implants won’t last forever. To maintain optimal aesthetic results, you might need to have your implants replaced, whether due to aging, safety precautions or personal preference.

At Dr. Rifai’s cosmetic surgery office, we provide our Michigan patients with breast implant replacement procedures to help you maintain your self-image.

To schedule a breast implant replacement consultation with Dr. Rifai, call our Detroit office (248) 723-9370 today. We also serve patients in Southfield, Port Huron and Jackson.

Common Reasons for Breast Implant Replacement

There are a number of reasons why you may want or need to have your breast implants replaced. You may be considering implant replacement due to:

  • A ruptured breast implant – Saline breast implants will deflate when ruptured, causing  breast asymmetry.
  • The effects of aging – Over time your breasts may sag, and this will change the appearance of your breast implants.
  • Personal preference – It is not uncommon for a woman to change her mind about the size or type of breast implants she feels most comfortable with.
  • Unsatisfactory cosmetic results – If you are unhappy with your initial breast augmentation, you may want implant replacement for corrective purposes.
  • Safety Concerns – While breast augmentation complications are rare, you may need to consider breast implant replacement if you experience capsular contracture, rippling, symastia or implant rotation.

Dr. Rifai can help you determine if breast implant replacement is the right choice for you during your complimentary consultation.

Breast Implant Replacement Procedure & Recovery

Every breast implant replacement procedure is unique depending on your individual needs. For many women, breast implant replacement can be a very straightforward procedure, but the complexity of your procedure depends on what you are trying to achieve and what issues are being corrected.

Depending on the procedure, post-operative recovery can take three to ten days.

If you have any additional breast augmentation questions, Dr. Rifai can address them during your evaluation.

Contact our Detroit Cosmetic Surgeon Today

With more than 25 years of cosmetic surgery, Dr. Rifai knows how to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. To find out how breast implant replacement can improve your self-image, contact Birmingham Cosmetic Surgery & at (248) 723-9370 to schedule a consultation with our Detroit cosmetic surgeon today.

Ready to Get Started?


Are you ready to take the first step toward a more confident you? Contact our office today to schedule a consultation appointment with Board-Certified Cosmetic Surgeon, Dr. Rifai.

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