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What is Body Contouring?

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Body contouring describes a wide variety of cosmetic surgery procedures that can provide a dramatic shift in your body’s appearance with subtle changes. Whether you are dissatisfied with stubborn pockets of fat on your thighs or sagging skin on your arms or abdomen, we can help you select the right procedure to alter your contours to a more pleasing appearance.

You may benefit from any of the following body contouring procedures:

Each procedure is tailored to your specific needs and desired results. During your consultation, we will discuss how each procedure can benefit your body and what results you should expect.

To learn which body contouring procedures can give you the figure you want, please call 248-723-9370 or contact Birmingham Cosmetic Surgery & today to schedule your consultation with Detroit body contouring surgeon Dr. Rifai.

Ready to Get Started?


Are you ready to take the first step toward a more confident you? Contact our office today to schedule a consultation appointment with Board-Certified Cosmetic Surgeon, Dr. Rifai.

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